WordPress Property Real Estate Plugin

Field System - Field Hooks

Property plugin Fields System is alterable via hooks :

Hook Filter – vtcore_property_alter_fields This filter allows you to modify, remove or add fields into the field registration, It will be fired when VTCore_Property_Fields object is created

Hook Action – vtcore_property_field_registered This action is triggered after fields object is created and it is the last action in the register method, the field object is passed by reference

Hook Action – vtcore_property_field_load This action is triggered after fields array loaded from database, the field object is passed by reference

Hook Action – vtcore_property_field_save This action is triggered after fields array saved to database, the field object is passed by reference

Hook Action – vtcore_property_field_delete This action is triggered after fields array deleted from database, the field object is passed by reference

Example on altering fields array

/** Adding the new Field to Property Field system **/
add_filter('vtcore_property_alter_fields', 'register_my_field'); 

function register_my_field($registry) { 

   * Modify the field registry via $registry 
   * This will disable the property status
  $registry['property_status']['enabled'] = false;

  return $registry; 

 * We use object instead of direct array via _register action 
 * Remember that this action is called after everything else (eg. WPML integration) 
add_action('vtcore_property_field_register', 'modify_field_object'); 

function modify_field_object($fieldObject) { 

   * $fieldObject is the field object and it inherits the VTCore_Wordpress_Models_Config 
   * Thus it can use dotted notation for the array key drilling and has the getter and setter 
   * Method inherited as well. 

  /** this will disable the property status **/
  $fieldObject->mutate('property_status.enabled', false);