Overriding plugin assets
You can override any of the VicTheme Property or VicTheme Agents or VicTheme Core plugins default CSS and Javascript assets by registering a new assets to replace the old assets.
For example, to override the property-front.css which is bundled inside the property-front assets you can do the following steps :
Step One – Registering theme assets folder
Create a new folder called /assets in your theme root folder.
Then add this code to your theme functions.php :
if (class_exists('VTCore_Wordpress_Init')) { $themePath = get_stylesheet_directory(); $themeUrl = get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); VTCore_Wordpress_Init::getFactory('assets') ->get('library') ->detect($themePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets', $themeUrl . '/assets'); }
Step Two – Copy The Old Assets Folder Into New one
Copy the old assets folder (in this case is victheme_property/assets/property-front) into the newly created folder at {theme_path}/assets .
Notice that the folder name will be the assets name.
Step Three – Edit The assets
Edit the copied assets to match your customization.
Now whenever plugin / themes called the core assets factory to load the assets file, the factory will load your overridden assets instead of the original one.